Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler}

Warm summer days are here and I think that one of the best ways to cool off is to splash around in water!  We don’t have a pool and Henry is a little afraid of sprinklers so I decided to take the water sensory bin outside.

Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler} - finddailyjoy.com

I wanted to add some new objects to the bin for Henry to explore but didn’t feel like running to the store and spending money.  Instead I turned to our recycling bin!  You know what they say…..one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  I gathered up a mustard bottle, dish soap bottle, mayonnaise jar, fruit cups, parmesan cheese container, Gatorade powder scoop and lots of Coke bottle caps.  In case you were wondering; no we didn’t not drink that much pop in one week!  Stephen got the caps from work.

Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler} - finddailyjoy.com

Henry had a marvelous time exploring the objects and discovering different ways to manipulate the water!

Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler} - finddailyjoy.com

While he played I talked to him about what he was doing; using vocabulary words like pour, scoop, dunk, shake, squeeze, in, out, empty and full.

Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler} - finddailyjoy.com

His favorite thing to do was to have me pour water out of the parmesan cheese container into his cup.  Then he would pour the water out of his cup into the bin and say “again?”.Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler} - finddailyjoy.com

Looking for some more baby and toddler activities?  Click HERE.

Have you ever made a water sensory bin?  What items did you add?


Let’s get together!

I’ll be linking up to some of these amazing site listed here.

6 thoughts on “Upcycled Water Sensory Bin {Playing With Toddler}

  1. I love your water bin – very creative and stimulating! And such a cute baby ❤ We play with water every day, LOL. One of the first ones I can remember: she had to get buttons from a small jar with a spoon. She tried to get the buttons, but couldn't, and ended up enjoying scooping water. She learned how to use a spoon with that activity though!

    • Thanks! I love the spoon idea. Henry does well getting food on the spoon but usually turns it upside down before putting it in his mouth. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream’s City of Links on Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week 🙂

  3. So fun! My little guy would love this. One of our bins is currently filled with recycled materials, but we haven’t played with water yet! On my to-do list 🙂

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