Friday Five {Vol. 41}


Here are five things that made me smile this week.

1. Friday – Things have been a bit crazy at work the last few weeks and I’ve been putting in extra hours at home to try and keep up. I’m glad the weekend is here!

2. Bubbles – Henry finally learned how to blow bubbles!  He was so proud of himself and wanted to try every single  wand.  When he got tired of blowing bubbles we added the next best thing……water!Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

3. Sitting Up – Lily sat in the Bumbo seat for the first time today.  She really enjoyed sitting on the porch and watching Henry play.Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

4. Green Grass – I can’t resist going barefoot in the cool, soft, green grass.  The feeling instantly brings back memories of summer as a child.Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

5. Little Tomatoes – I spy something growing in our garden…..Friday Five {Vol. 41} -

So what made you smile this week?


Let’s get together!

Lily – Two Months

Lily - Two Months -


At two months you……

  • Are long and skinny (23″ long (75th percentile), 10 lbs 1 oz (20th percentile), 15″ head circumference (47th percentile).
  • Are wearing 0-3 month shirts and newborn pants.
  • Have dark hair and dark grey eyes with a little bit of brown in the center.
  • Look almost exactly like your brother did at this age.
  • Still have a flat spot on the left side of your head but it is starting to get better.
  • Are eating every 3 hrs during the day with a little cluster feeding in the evening.
  • Love to be swaddled and will pull your hands up by your face.
  • Are sleeping through the night (at least 7 hrs) and are still pretty sleepy during the day.
  • Love bath time!
  • Are smiling and cooing at everyone.
  • Do a pretty good job of lifting your head well while laying on your tummy and holding your head up while sitting up.
  • Had two weeks in the middle of the month where you were fussy every evening from 6:00-10:00.  I am thankful that you would calm down if I held you in the baby carrier and that it only lasted two weeks.

Lily - Two Months -

Lily - Two Months -

Lily - Two Months -

I can’t wait to get to know you more sweet girl!

Love, Mommy

Watch Me Grow: Newborn // 1 Month


Let’s get together!

Friday Five {Vol. 40}


Here are five things that made me smile this week.

1. Rocks – I found this little pile of rocks in the bottom of my washing machine.  Apparently Henry has figured out that you can put things in your pockets and carry them around.Friday Five {Vol. 40} -

2. Handmade gift – A sweet lady at church made this quilt for Lily. Friday Five {Vol. 40} -

3. Picturesque landscape – One morning when I was driving to work I saw a lady getting out of her car with her camera.  Three horses had come up to the fence and the rising sun was creating a golden glow in the fog behind them.  I bet she got some pretty pictures!

4. Water – So simple and yet so fun for a 2 year old.Friday Five {Vol. 40} -

5. Warm weather – It’s time to put away those sweaters and dig out the shorts.  Warm weather is here!

So what made you smile this week?


Let’s get together!